Today many shows have members of the LGBTQ+ community behind as well as in front of the cameras, resulting in more honest and inclusive depictions of queer life. The rise of streaming services like Amazon Prime or Netflix has created more opportunities for queer creators to tell their own stories.
Queer characters were once scarce on film and television, and when they did appear were often defined by their sexuality or limited to a one-off 'special episode.' Only in the 1990s and 2000s did gay and lesbian characters begin to appear regularly on TV. For those with an Amazon Prime subscription looking for queer content to celebrate Pride or any other occasion, Prime Video has plenty to offer. Queer characters and creators have played a crucial role in Amazon's streaming growth, with series like Transparent generating early hype for the service.
Amazon Prime Video has become one of the most popular streaming services and boasts a library of original and licensed TV shows, including many with LGBTQ+ characters, relationships, and themes.